Blog for Nonprofits
The COVID-19 Crisis & Nonprofits: Are we being honest about how to evolve out of our reliance on events?
Weeks three and four of quarantine have brought us through the initial shock, the onset of quick check-ins with donors, and a fast race to bring our audiences digital content. We're resetting our budgetary and calendar-related expectations and getting creative with how we bring content to our supporters and communities. Now what?
Navigating Development & Nonprofit Work Through COVID-19
Nonprofit friends, we know you're hurting and that you're worried. We're here for you and want to equip you with tools that can make your work feel meaningful and optimistic right now. Read on for the questions we have been fielding the most with our replies and suggestions.
Be Intentional About the Gifts You GET
Non-profit friends: the struggle is real in January and February. Everyone is picking themselves up from the end-of-the-year-hustle and cautiously but optimistically navigating donors and gifts in the beginning of the new year. I’ve seen a lot of a new corporate giving trend happening, especially in Upstate NY, and I want to talk about it with hopes of letting my nonprofit friends exhale a bit.
Finding Your Partners
When it comes to building relationships that can result in truly transformational gifts, you cannot do it alone. I know that when you work in the development office, and especially as the leader of that office or as a Gifts Officer, the perception is: "this is your job to do, not mine, right?" But if we've been in this field for a while or have had the chance to close some gifts, we know that our work just can't happen without partners.
Staying in-touch: how much is enough?
There’s a great chance that your highest capacity prospects and donors are solicited every single week by an organization. For many places, development has grown to be made up significantly of mailings and events — it leaves individuals and businesses in a place to be asked all. of. the. time.
Year-end Hustle
If you're like us, you're wondering today how to spend the last 5 weeks until year-end! Use this time to do a lot of outreach and communicate extremely intentionally to your prospects and donors -- after all, nothing is worse than getting an email from them about meeting before you could send that email yourself.
Get the Meeting.
We focus most of the work we do on major gifts, so we feel passionate about building relationships and having in-person meetings. Getting meetings always sounds easier than it sometimes is, though, right?
Let's Get Organized!
Some organizations are big and some are small; there are some more advanced than others when it comes to development. But despite size and experience, one opportunity for improvement almost always exists: the chance to get seriously organized when it comes to your prospects and data.