Blog for Nonprofits
What’s In and Out in 2025? Philanthropy Edition
It’s 2025. What’s in with the new year and out with the old? Here’s our take on the philanthropy + solicitation edition of In and Out!
CBS Mornings Plus (Interview)
Watch an interview of our Co-founder and President, Meg George, on CBS Mornings Plus talking about her book and tips on how families can include children in giving!
Private School Campaigns: Maintaining your identity, leveraging what makes you different.
How George Philanthropy Group helped three uniquely different schools who have completed or are well on their way through successful campaign initiatives by identifying their special sauce.
Summer Months’ Work if a Campaign is on Your Mind
Take advantage of slower summer months and do behind-the-scenes work around planning for a future campaign.
Understanding the Power of Philanthropy (Podcast)
Meg had a great time with host, Ed Gillentine, talking about her new children’s book!
How do I ask someone to consider a bigger gift than they consistently give?
Consider the facts of what you can’t control, develop a solicitation strategy around what you can, and ask!
Major Gift Fundraising and Board Members' Role
How board members can really help your organization when it comes to major gift fundraising and campaigns.
Identifying Your Best Prospective Donors
How to choose your best perspective donors: a process of starting with “who” instead of “what.”
The Gift Pyramid is Sort of Useless
Most of the money will come from the top of the pyramid in any initiative -- but there are so few people up there. We know that's true, and the pyramid at least spells that out visually, hence my support for the eye-opener.
In-Person or Not: Keeping it Personal in Philanthropy
If you’re like me, you might be tired of discussions around our need to adapt to a “new normal” in our professional environment. Yes, our work changed dramatically when we suddenly shifted to a virtual environment, and yes, it is changing again as we shift back to more in-person and hybrid experiences. Though most have been impacted in one way or another, those of us who work in the philanthropy space have really had our resilience and creativity put to task. When relationship-building is at the center of everything we do, how do we maintain a high level of personalization and engagement in a virtual world that seems here to stay?
Is Fundraising Still Balancing Art and Science?
I'm more conscious than ever of how deeply entrenched I am in the philanthropy field, and never want to lose sight of how important people are at the center of what we do. The giving stats, annual fund goals, and campaign trends don't matter as much as how those who support our organizations feel. Do they see the impact they're having? Do they feel fulfilled by how their money is spent and motivated to support us again?
A Crash Course on Major Gift Qualification (Podcast)
Meg had a blast with co-hosts, Jon and Becky, talking about qualifying major gifts on the We are for Good podcast.
Thinking Big at Small Organizations
Successful leaders are visionaries, shepherding organizations along a path to future growth, sustainability, and maximum impact for those we serve. And because philanthropic support is needed to turn strategic visions into reality, good leaders know to invest the time needed to cultivate meaningful relationships that will lead to increased visibility for the organization, community partnerships, and (hopefully!) significant financial support. This work feels inspiring and motivating, so you’re eager to get started, right?
It's a new day in philanthropy, work smarter not harder (Podcast)
Listen to this recent episode of the Asking for Good podcast episode where Meg speaks on philanthropy trends!
Capital Campaign Feasibility (Podcast)
Meg shares information and details on capital campaign feasibility as a guest on the Nonprofit Jenni Show podcast.
Why Apple TV's 'Loot' is Good for Everyone to Watch
The comedy series 'Loot' features Maya Rudolph as a newly divorced billionaire reorienting herself with "regular society" (ahem, the rest of us) and as a result, her family's established foundation, which brings important foundation work to light as a form of entertainment; it's something for those who don't regularly work around nonprofits to be enlightened by, and of course, enjoy.
How Should I Spend My Time This Summer? Part 2 (Busy Summer Season Regions)
Maybe you saw my first post offering advice to those saying 'see you later' to their region's donors, and if it didn't resonate, you might find yourself in an area saying 'welcome back' to donors (I see you, Newport, RI, Finger Lakes region / other sandy northeastern towns, and Denver, CO!).
How Should I Spend My Time This Summer? Part 1 (Slow Summer Season Regions)
If you live in a seasonal place, you either feel like it's your chance to play catch-up on work that can't get done during busy season, or your opportunity has finally arrived to see supporters in person. We're breaking down priorities in each of those regions for philanthropy professionals in a two-part series!
Balancing Act: Soliciting Support Now with a Campaign on the Horizon
As I write this blog, I reflect on our firm's clients that are in the midst of the largest-ever campaign initiatives in their histories. They spent considerable time dreaming, and planning, and finally executing. Their current asks of supporters, as a result, are obvious: how can I align this donor either generally or specifically with my ongoing campaign initiative, pledged over a period of time and through vehicles that make the most sense for the most significant commitment?
How to Track Campaign Commitments
In all stages of a campaign, an organizational system is essential for tracking prospects, and donor proposals and commitments. We propose tracking prospect and donor activity in five distinct categories to keep you organized as you strive to reach that campaign goal. These stages are: potential, pending, confirmed, completed, and denied; here’s why each is uniquely important.